- What is Degrowth?
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- What is Degrowth?
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- What is Degrowth?
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- What is Degrowth?
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What People Say To Us About Degrowth
Here are some insightful and textured comments about why people are interested in Degrowth
-Degrowth is the only way that makes sense.
-Degrowth is incredibly difficult to get on the political agenda. No politician seems willing to talk about. I am involved with investments generating income for community initiatives and degrowth would mean no returns and no community grants. So it’s a hard sell. I want to figure out ways to talk about this that make it understandable and the only reasonable option.
-How to regrow? -As things stand at the moment, if we don't stop growing and start reducing growth, we won't survive.
-I'm not 100% sure about getting more info coming to my email. It can be easy to get overwhelmed. but very important issue. I'd like to see degrowth grow (haha), become more understood and less feared - and communities to be stronger, more local, before we get collapse.
-Species preservation? Sanity regeneration? Fact defined by reality? Plus I’m tired. So is everyone else. We’ve been moving too far too fast for too long.
-Currently involved in XR. Need a pathway to point people at.
-Degrowth is the only way to cope with human induced climate change. We cannot have infinite growth on a finite planet. We need to act urgently.
-hmmmm. I think degrowth in some form is essential, although I am not yet sure how much of it can be designed by humans and how much of it will happen of its own accord. Interested in the conversation around this topic!
-I see this as the only way forward, especially for New Zealand and all the other richer countries in the world. Green growth for the poor, degrowth for the rich.
-Since I studied ecological economics in 1983 I have been convinced of the stupidity of endless growth.
-Concerned by global warming.
-I'm a longtime climate activist with Extinction Rebellion in Otautahi and before that with 350 Chch. Its become clearer and clearer that the climate crisis will not be solved without transformational change in how we manage the economy and power relationships. I'm currently involved with a national Extinction Rebellion group looking at what our society would look like if we were to treat the climate crisis as an actual emergency. We are interested in networking with people and organisations to build a coalition of concerned citizens to push for transformational change in a range of areas. (See www.path2survival.nz).
-General interest in all aspects.
-I think degrowth is an essential part of the response to the climate and ecological crisis and I'm interested in how the discussion can be taken to more people and presented in a positive way.
-I was at the first meeting at the Agm last year, have an interest but won't do social media.
-I deeply believe that Capitalism is killing our natural world and negatively impacting the human experience it is a colonial and patriarchal concept that is harming our entire planet.
-I'm already involved in sustainable eco-friendly activities in a number of other organisations starting in Tasmania in the early 90's, now NZ based.
I've been attempting de-growth for decades. Involved in forestry and running a small rural water utility.
-To learn practical steps I can take and become aware of initiatives where I can help organise or contribute.
-I'm contracted by Timaru District Council to facilitate the development of a climate change strategy for the Timaru District. Just getting underway.
-Personal & planetary survival.
-The options for survival are shrinking, energy rationing becoming an imperative.
-Authentic methods to save our planet for the sake of my daughters.
-I am interested to learn more about what degrowth does. For myself I am concerned about the governmental policies of a country that produces enough food for 40 million people but it's more expensive to buy in the country where it is grown.
-A read of the Club of Rome reports early 70s, convinced me of the need for regrowth. I have been involved in environmental campaigns ever since with that objective.
-Climate change response needs to get real. I have 3 children and want to do my best for them.
-I read the Growth Delusion by David Pilling back in 2016 and it really opened my eyes to the madness that's happening around us and introduced the concept of degrowth. I'm trying my best to limit my impact and I'm really keen to meet other like minded individuals that can educate me so that I can help spread the message and change the narrative. I'm also a marketer with nearly 20 years experience so know a thing or two about crafting narratives and behavioral change. Anyway, really keen to learn more about this and hear other people's perspectives.
-Hello. Thank you for initiating this platform in NZ. I am interested in de-growth as it does seem to be the only solution to the current crisis on planet earth. Plus of course it could be a very positive movement, if we plan it right, and everyone cooperates (? immm?). I really appreciate listening to Planet Critical podcasts, especially the systems approach, and gained some good insights. I also appreciate the work that Dr Mike Joy is doing. Plus of course I am disillusioned with all the political parties. I wonder if to increase the awareness whether De-Growth (Post-Growth) could form a political party? Or is it beyond politics? Thank you.
-I am concerned with the inaction of our government and the disengagement of alot of people I know, i think they just font know what to do.
-I wish to leave a future for my grandchildren to enjoy.
-I am increasingly alarmed by the threats facing humanity. I work in transport and am keen to learn more about degrowth in all of its facets.
-Because the urgency of dealing with climate change isn't being addressed Want to learn more and spread the info.
-Because climate and ecological crisis.
-The world cannot continue on its current trajectory of limitless growth. It is killing people, the planet and causes gross injustices.
-Frustrated Environmental activist since 1991. still active though System change is needed am sick of platitudes.
-We waste most of everything already. We, the rich.
-I think a degrowth is the only way forward.
-I understand the need for managed degrowth and, while living simply as an individual, would like to know how to help share this understanding and take more action.
-I'm a member Extinction Rebellion and part of a small group working on development of the Pathway To Survival Project/Website. I'm very interested in learning more and possibly contributing to discussions about Equitable, Tiriti conscious Degrowth.
-My view currently is we need to review our outdated economic system, to consider social cohesion, climate change indicators driving inequity.
-After years working in environmental management and sustainability and pushing for technical solutions to the big challenges I came to a deeper understanding of limits to growth and the energy economy. Powering down proactively is our only viable option ahead of nature doing it to us.
-The page Title of my decades-old https://davd.tripod.com/ - which shows on the browser tab and as the description shown by Google when davd.tripod.com is typed into the URL slot, is “David MacClement; I am a drop-out from the current economic system.” That has been my Title since 2001, see page title of that earlier version.
-I'm an accountant helping clients towards Degrowth in their small businesses.
-Want to hear about and be part of pragmatic climate solutions.
-Want to understand more of how NZ and the world might transition to a DeGrowth economy.
-I've long been a proponent for regenerative business. Degrowth just makes sense for me as the next step forward. How small businesses transition to a more harmonious economy is the tension I'm exploring.
-I would like to be connected with developing thinking in this area
-I’m actively involved in food, waste and water solutions.
-Sounds like a helpful way to reduce our energy use.
-Because GDP is an absolute red herring,. This obsession with growth and "productivity" is going to kill our kids.
-I want to learn more about degrowth.
-It's been a long time since it was recognized that growth in GDP was harmful and anachronistic. It's beyond time to act on that.
-Continued growth is the wrong path to decarbonise and halt biodiversity loss. Both these areas keep me awake at night and I am fighting to change these 2 problems.
-To build a sustainable society.
-Global warming with its consequential climate change is the second existential problem facing humanity, the first being nuclear weapons. Humans are a problem-solving sentient species. However, in both cases, we seem to be unable to resolve these problems. Nuclear weapons are lurking in the background, but climate change is actively happening every day. Unless we resolve that issue, extinction is a real possibility. After many decades, I don't see any progress. Greenhouse gases are still increasing in the atmosphere. As I come to the end of my life, I grieve for those who will experience the catastrophe in the years to come.
-Because of concerns about climate change.
-I need to feel included in your tribe.
-I'm interested to learn more about the concepts of this organisation, and how they might be implemented to create a more sustainable future for humans.
-I love degrowth of economic stupidity; I love regrowth of human wisdom, respect and inter-beingness; I love old growth forests and I love new growth in the tender corners of the human heart.
-Because I see no other forward path that might result in a palatable future and I would like to be one of the people calling for fundamental change in our economic systems.