- What is Degrowth?
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- …
- What is Degrowth?
- Resources
- Connect
- What is Degrowth?
- Resources
- Connect
- …
- What is Degrowth?
- Resources
- Connect
Vision, Values, & Purpose
Our Vision - Te pae ta whiti
Wellbeing for all within ecological limits. A secure biosphere, one in which the energy and material throughput due to human activities is within the carrying capacity of Aotearoa, and the planet - such a biosphere being a prerequisite for human wellbeing.
Our Values - Ngā mātāpono
We strive to uphold the following values in all our actions:
· A Sense of the Sacred – for the biosphere, the web of life, and all that it entails
· Respect - for the dignity of all people and all beings
· Inclusivity– for all regardless of gender, ethnicity, nationality, culture or any other human characteristic. We are committed to an inclusive approach that furthers the rights of women, children, and marginalised groups.
· Justice– a fair and equitable distribution of earth’s abundance for all
· Honesty –regarding what we understand the science tells us about biophysical limits
· Humility –acknowledging that our understanding of the biosphere and how to protect it, and how to use it efficiently to fulfil universal human needs is incomplete, and that we must continually strive for better understanding. To continue learning and sharing our learning so that we are curious, flexible and mutually enriched through our exchanges with others.
We recognise and uphold Ti Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa NZ.
Our Purpose- Te Kaupapa
DANZ is an independent organisation, dedicated to working to enable collective wellbeing within ecological limits.
We recognise that degrowth is a very broad movement, so we want to highlight that this is our approach, and that there are many other valid approaches. Policy development needs to be an evolving process.
We are committed to advocating for degrowth through education and collaboration, and by helping people understand through various mechanisms.
Our three basic goals:
1. Managed reduction of energy and material throughput to ecologically sustainable levels (we are currently about double where we need to be.)
Examples of proposed actions:
– A managed transition by 2030 away from destructive substances, fossil fuels, artificial fertilisers and foreverchemicals
– Focus production of goods and services on meeting universal basic needs
- Restricting unnecessary production that creates ecological and social harms
- Restrict luxury goods and luxury travel, and advocate for generalised quota systems to ensure greater equity
Note: these reductions will likely lead to GDP decline, and create social and economic disruptions, so systems need to be in place to support people through the transition to sustainable wellbeing.
2. Provide supports
Examples of proposed actions:
- Basic human needs need to be prioritised: security for all regarding shelter, food, water, sanitation,
health care and access to community support networks
- Support Universal Basic Services – health, housing, food, education, transport, etc
- Support Universal Basic Income (UBI), reduced work time, as well as guaranteed work schemes
- Support non-material needs to be met, such as security of identity, agency, connectedness
3. Systemic change to support transition to a Steady State Economy
Examples of proposed actions:
- Ration fossil fuels: the only certain way of controlling greenhouse gas emissions and reducing material throughput (Tradable Energy Quotas or TEQs)
- Tax resources, not labour
- Redistribution: minimum and maximum income caps
– Build community resilience: powering down to a simpler economy that meets basic needs
within a caring community
– Citizens Assemblies: for democratic decision making
– Local government: with more powers, connected to communties, more agile
– Transition from an interest bearing debt-based money system which causes a growth imperative to positive money (money spent into existence)
Priority Actions, to increase potential for what is politically feasible:
Re-prioritise what we use in the economy for essential needs.
Make sure that basic human needs are met at the community level: health services, food security, water, shelter-building networks.
Encourage community actions: people who are ready for change, will more likely push politicians.
Place greater emphasis on non-material needs: having time, relationships, art, music, crafts, other creativity, tasks; having a voice, identity, a sense of belonging and connectedness.
Note: Quality improvements to wellbeing are possible, while reducing throughput. Focussing on improving quality of life will increase impact life satisfaction and collective wellbeing.